Drinking Games

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Actor & Movie
All you need for this game is a bunch of friends and a lot of alcohol. You should
probably make sure you have more alcohol than friends though.
A person names an actor or actress and then you go around and each person must name a
movie that the actor or actress was in. It keeps going until someone can't think of one or
there are no movies left. If they just can't think of one, they take one drink and a drink
for every movie that the other players can think of in 60 seconds. When thinking of a
movie, there is a 30 second time limit, after that, you better get ready to drink. Teams
can be used but if a team get stuck and the other players can think of other movies, each
team member must drink the full amount that is given so if the other players think of 10
movies and there are 2 people on the team, each team member must drink 10 times not 5 so
choose your teammates carefully.

This site is maintained by Donald Chase
This page was last modified on Monday, June 30, 2003