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Anchor Man
Anchorman is a team game that builds up a fierce rivalry. And remember boys and girls
there is no "I" in team. This is a game that requires at least eight people.
Well you can have less but it is not advised. It is actually better to have more unless
you plan to get totally wasted.
Two teams sit on opposite sides of a table and try to get a quarter into a full pitcher
of beer. To start the game flip a coin, and have a team call heads or tails in the air. If
correct that team starts. Each team member shoots a quarter, trying to make it land in the
pitcher. Each player only shoots once per turn even if they are successful in putting the
quarter in the pitcher. Once everyone on the team shoots, the other team now shoots in
order. The first team to put all 4 of their quarters in the pitcher is the winner. This
means the losing team has to drink the contents of the pitcher (usually 4-5 beers
depending on the size of the pitcher) But before they drink, the winning team has to pick
someone to be the "ANCHORMAN". The anchorman must drink last and finish the
remaining beer, whether it is just a sip or the whole pitcher. Teammates of the anchorman
must drink first and decide how much they leave for the anchorman. While drinking, the
teammates cannot take their lips off of the pitcher. If they do, they must pass the
pitcher to the next person. The anchorman can take his lips off of the pitcher but has a 2
minute time limit to finish the pitcher. Once he finishes the pitcher, fill it up again
and play the game once more. When we play this game we usually have a wide variety of beer
that gets poured into the pitcher to make it even nastier. Our rivalries get so intense
sometimes that we actually "let the anchorman go dry". We have had situations
where our heavier drinkers have finished a full pitcher of beer alone, but that was back
in the college days. On a scale of 1-10 on the heavy drinking meter I would rate Anchorman
a 10. It was not unusual to play this game and finish 15-20 pitchers in a night.

This site is maintained by Donald Chase
This page was last modified on
Monday, June 30, 2003