Drinking Games

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This is a game with a naughty name. So that probably means that it is a good drinking
game, right? Why don't you judge for yourself? At least you'll get to say some bad words.
We all like to do that when we drink.
Everyone sits around together in a circle or at a table and someone starts the game off
with, "one day I was walking down the street and I saw person 2 taking a shit!".
Person 2 replies, "bullshit!", person 1 replies, "who shit?", then
person 2 says, "person 3 shit", then it starts over with person 3 saying,
"bullshit!" Its a fast moving game so if someone pauses to long then they have
to drink a sip (determine a sip at the beginning of the game) or if someone just messes up
completely they must drink. Then that person starts it off again. You can start it off
however you'd like, ex. I was taking a crap the other day and when it came out it was
person 4's shit. Instead of saying Person 1, Person 2, etc., you use the people's names
who are playing. You can't just say "you shit". It's a fun game especially once
you've already gotten a buzz and it can go on forever. A rule one can add is if two people
go back and forth with each other for more than 3 times then they both have to drink.
Another one we add is if the same person messes up 3 times in a row they must finish the
rest of their beer. It very simple and fun!

This site is maintained by Donald Chase
This page was last modified on Monday, June 30, 2003