Drinking Games

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Flip Cup
You start with even numbered teams and a flat surface (table). Each
member fills a cup about 1/4 full (amounts vary) and set it in front of them. Some one
needs to be a ref and say when to go. When they say go the first two team members chug the
beer in their glass then they sit it upside down on the edge of the table with a portion
of the cup hanging off the table and hit it upwards to try to make the cup sit right side
up. The other team members can't go on until the first persons cup has been flipped right
side up. If it hasn't been flipped right then you have to set the cup on the edge and try
again until you succeed. When you succeed the next teammate drinks and tries to flip their
cup, then the next teammate goes when they have succeeded and so on. The first team to get
all of their cups right side up wins.

Submitted by anonymous on
This site is maintained by Donald Chase.