Drinking Games

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Don't worry...there is no need to be able to hit a small ball with a club in this game.
I really don't know why this game is called golf but who sounds like fun and
you get to drink.
Everyone gets 4 cards but they can't look at them. When the dealer is done giving
everyone their cards he will put the rest of the cards in the middle of the table and turn
the top one over. You may then look at one of your cards but you can only look at that
card once. The object of the game is to get the lowest hand possible. Face cards are 10
and Aces are 1. The dealer will start by either drawing off the top of the deck or off the
discard pile. If he gets a low card then he can trade it for one of his cards but he
doesn't know what he has so he has to guess except for the one card he has looked at.
After he discards whichever card that he picks the next person can either take his card or
draw off the top of the deck and so on. When someone thinks they have the lowest hand they
yell "golf" on their turn. After that everyone gets one more turn and then they
have to flip their cards over. Everybody adds all their cards up and the one with lowest
hand wins. Everybody else has to drink for how ever long their cards say. For example if
you got a 14 the winner will start counting for how SLOW OR FAST that he chooses. When he
reaches my number 14 then I can quit drinking. Whoever had the highest hand is the last
one to stop drinking. If the person who called golf looses their hand then their hand
doubles. After that you play again. If two or more people tie then they would have to draw
out of the deck of cards to see who gets the lowest. That person would be the winner.

This site is maintained by Donald Chase
This page was last modified on Monday, June 30, 2003