Drinking Games

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This is the quintessential drinking game. It involves skill, luck, dexterity, and of
course some tasty libation. Well you can just have beer too. All you need are a quarter
and a cup and you are ready to go.
Quarters can be played with any number of players. Play is best with 3-6 players.
Competitors sit around a table, hard wood works best but you might need to experiment. To
decide who will go first, spin the quarter. When it stops, it will be pointing at the
person that starts. I use Lincoln's nose or the Eagle's beak. Once established, the game
begins. The shooter tries to bounce a quarter off the table and into a glass. If the
quarter goes into the glass, the shooter chooses a person at the table to consume. The
amount or size of the drink is debatable. This should be decided before the game starts.
The shooter's turn is over when he/she does not make the quarter in the cup. Play then
proceeds the next shooter. To make things more exciting, rules are developed by the
shooters only after making three (3) quarters into the glass in a row. If any rules made
are broken, the guilty party must consume.

This site is maintained by Donald Chase
This page was last modified on Monday, June 30, 2003