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Turbo Cups
If you are thinking that you have to be an awesome athlete to play this game then you
are wrong. In fact, a big beer gut could come in handy to help hold all the beer that you
will drink while playing this game.
Olympics is a relay race with beer. Form two teams of three or four, doesn't matter,
and line up on opposite sides of a table that can get dirty. Everyone fills up their cup,
it must be plastic cups, half way (or whatever the group decides on). The first two people
start and chug their cup of beer as fast as they can. Once they finish they must set the
edge of the cup on the edge of the table so that only a small portion of the bottom of the
cup is hanging over the edge of the table. Then they must flip the cup over, using 1
finger, half a revolution. In other words, the cup must land upside down. Whenever the cup
lands upside down, then the next person may go. You do this until the last person in line
is up, they must chug twice to start the second leg of the race. If you chose to make the
race longer than two legs then it is advisable to have your heavy drinkers on the ends.
The first team to complete the set amount of legs wins. It is also fun to play girls
against guys, if the girls think they can handle it. Guys must watch out real close
though, because they tend to cheat more often than guys, just from personal experiences!
One key point to the game is the cup must be empty before you turn it over to flip the cup
or else the table, yourself, and others around you will get beer on them. Also be sure to
plenty of beer available at hand because you go through a 12 pack in no time playing this
game. Also it is a great party game that gets everyone drunk out of their mind.

This site is maintained by Donald Chase
This page was last modified on Monday, June 30, 2003