Drinking Games

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Up the River Down the River
Basically a game of total luck. Depending on how you define luck you could be drinking
a lot or not that much. But if I know the sort of people who will play you will want to be
drinking a lot.
Deal 4 cards to everyone face up. The dealer takes one card from the remaining cards
and says "take one". Anyone who has that card drinks once. If you have two of
that card you drink double, three..triple, etc. The dealer flips the next card and says
"take two" same as before only its 2 drinks for each card you have that matches.
After that it goes take 3 then take 4. It then is give four, give three, give two, and
give one. Then start the sequence over until you run out of cards.

This site is maintained by Donald Chase
This page was last modified on Monday, June 30, 2003