Drinking Games

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This is another Quarters spinoff. It moves a lot faster than
Quarters since there are a lot more targets to hit. You need a lot of beer to play this
game as you will be going through it fast. I have played this game before and we went
through a 12-pack in about 20 minutes with only four people playing.
A large glass is filled with beer and put in the center of the table. The smaller
glasses are also filled with beer, arranged around the center glass in a circle, and in
front of the respected player. The player in possession of the quarter shoots. If the
quarter lands in one of the small glasses, the player whose glass it lands in has to drink
the beer in his/her glass and fill the glass back up with beer. If the quarter lands in
the large center glass, every player has to chug the beer in his/her small glass. The
player who is last to set his/her glass down has to drink the beer in the large center
glass. The quarter is passed to the next player when the previous player fails to put the
quarter in a glass. Warning: If the center glass is not hit much, the beer becomes warm,
and this adds to the fun, especially late in the game.

This site is maintained by Donald Chase
This page was last modified on Monday, June 30, 2003